A Short Introduction to Bioidentical Hormones for Women


Many individuals, particularly women, begin to show signs of wear and tear after passing around their middle ages. It is possible for the production of hormones to become somewhat impaired with age. While your system might start producing surplus quantities of several hormones, there might be a lack of adequate production of the others. The system might develop some unhealthy conditions when the levels of hormones happen to be lower than normal. In such cases, it will be a sensible idea to take the help of bioidentical hormone therapy which will help you to restore the situation.

Why make use of bioidentical hormones for women?

As we have already mentioned, the hormone levels within our system might become low with age. These might consist of progesterone, testosterone, and estrogen which can result in some particular symptoms that we have mentioned right below.

•             Loss of vitality

•             Night sweats

•             Weight gain

•             Fatigue

•             Insomnia Pain at the time of sex

•             Loss of muscle mass

•             Vaginal dryness

•             Loss of memory 

•             Hot flashes

•             Loss of interest in sex

•             Mood swings

It will be feasible to replace those hormones whose levels are low with the help of bioidentical hormone therapy. The increase in the levels of the hormones will help to improve the symptoms to a great extent. Nevertheless, we are yet to prove that the effects of bioidentical hormone therapy are equivalent to that of traditional hormone therapy. Make it a point to consult with your healthcare provider regarding your hormone replacement options depending on your health history and symptoms.

Here, we like to mention that if you are suffering from obesity, then it will be prudent to consult with your medical practitioner regarding whether you should go for medical weight loss Northern Virginia. This therapy has already helped many individuals in the past, and you should also be one of them.

Are bioidentical hormones for women safe?

The bioidentical hormones that have been endorsed by the FDA will be risk-free to use. Nevertheless, the FDA has not approved the usage of compounded hormones at present. Consequently, we need to make some research for finding out whether they will be safe to use or not. Most of these hormones are not supported by the major medical groups since we are yet to get more information regarding their safety, plus long-term effects.

How are bioidentical hormones administered?

You will come across bioidentical hormones in various forms such as creams, patches, gels, pills, implanted pellets, and shots. The best method that will be applicable to you will be decided by your medical practitioner. It will be a good idea to try several ways before finding the best one for you.

Bioidentical hormone side effects

It is possible for individuals to suffer from unwanted side effects, particularly after the initial dose. Your system might not be familiar with the new hormone levels. In case you tend to suffer from side effects, then your physician might alter your dosage. Some common side effects might consist of the following:

•             Unwanted gain in weight.

•             Fatigue.

•             Blurred vision.

•             Acne.

•             Tenderness of the breasts.

•             Headaches.

•             Cramping.

•             Swings in the mood.

•             Bloating.

•             Increased facial hair.

There might also be itching or redness around the region where the hormones are applied, provided you make use of cream, gel, or patch.


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