An Overview On Clinics Offering Bio-identical Hormones Arlington VA

 Going by the beginners' biology knowledge, hormones are chemical messengers that control almost all the body's biological and physiological functions. The integral network of these small chemical molecules through your body and their subsequent cross-play is something that holds your every action starting from digestion and growth to immune responses, inflammatory responses, mood swings, or even your libido.

Therefore, maintaining proper sync between these chemical messengers is extremely important. This is where the importance of BHRTs or bio-identical hormone replacement therapies comes up.  

If you are a native of Texas, the clinics with occasional offerings of BHRTs must have crossed your eyes. However, a precise therapy needs specialized clinics of bio-identical hormones Arlington VA, Texas, where, fortunately, you will find only a handful reputed enough. Going by definition, BHRT is a therapy used for treating both males and females when someone’s hormone level drops to a critical extent or goes haywire.

Although these kinds of situations are more frequently seen in females as their perimenopausal or menopausal syndromes. However, apart from menopause, there is a wide array of factors contributing to these effects. Some of which includes:

·       Various degrees of insulin resistance

·       Any thyroid or adrenal gland disorders

·       Fibromyalgia

·       Osteoporosis etc.

Biochemical prospects

BHRTs are synthetic hormones chemically analogous to estrogen or progesterone produced by the human body but are actually derived from plant estrogens. You can find these derivatives in various forms like pills, patches, creams, injections, etc.

Clinics for a holistic BHRT treatment

As mentioned already, there are only a handful of clinics across the states where proper BHRT therapy can be achieved along with a holistic health management approach. Such clinics will plan out medical weight loss Washington DC, Texas and other places along with your hormone therapy and keep concierge medicine care at your bay so that you can have holistic health management. 


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